Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hello peeps;
Land connection is down so I'm using my dad's laptop today. Just for blogging.. And for facebook too. Today I had my inter-mba as I've mentioned in a few other post in my blog. And i say it was just superbly amazing. I spent so much time with yi khai even though sometimes got kacau from the coaches to do umpiring but other than that I had an awesome enjoyable day with my darling boy. I lost at first match. You see, the draw is kinda like bad. Cause even if I win the first match the next opponent would be my darling boy which I would lose in any way. So i gave in and let my opponent win. Anyway, he's shots were good. Hated his service anyway. So when my darling boy won, which was 30-18 i think.. i HUGGED him.. cause I was so proud of him. He made my revenge.. hehe.. His opponent was very upset but as I always say, a game has a winner and loser. It doesnt mean you lose means you're a weak player. It just means that the other player is better. Khai lost in his semis.. But c'mon dear, you've went so far to make Taman Megah proud. So keep your head high and make sure you remember that you've done so well. It was a tough match even though you could have done better. But in any other way, do think about this. You've played 3 matches in one day. Plus the semi is 4. A person's body will also feel tired wan right? You woke up so early.. And you were so tired from yesterday. Your body sure need a break from badminton right?? So don't fuss over it. Just practice harder adn I know you'll make it. Even Zhen Yang said you improve so much! SEE.. Everyone can see the diff from last time and now.. Even the Puchong people congratulate you. So be proud of that kay my boy? Other than that nothing much happen.. I enjoyed something.. The alone time with khai though.. Even though there are dogs there.. -.- you la.. tsk tsk.. Khai still remember me about my past which HE promised not to.. So who is going against the promise leh darling? Its YOU. hehe.. But thank you.. For spending so much time with me today. I bet you're tired today. So I really hope you'll rest early tomorrow after you've done blogging. Tomorrow dont need to wake up in the morning to pei me kay? You can pei me after school.. :) I got to go now.. I'll be blogging another day.

I really love you my darling. I love you. Take care darling boy. :) Muax..

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